About us

Founded as a small business contractor in September 2002, following a previous experience in family founded back in the 70s, has grown by providing customers the experience of a team of people over 20 years producing wiring harnesses. From the beginning, our company policy was to provide prompt response to both technical issues and requirements of tight deadlines, focusing mainly on product quality and sold primarily on customer satisfaction. Our company has continually sought to provide a complete and better service on production capability, increasing the types and giving customers the necessary assistance before and after sales. The availability and courteous staff make MARTELLA before holding a large family of which the client joins.


Esperienza e professionalità ci permettono di mantenere il certificato del Sistema Qualità in base alla norma UNI EN ISO 9001 ottenuto nel luglio 2005.

Fast service

Scopri il nostro nuovo servizio di ACCELERAZIONE FORNITURE.


Martella srl, sensibile alle problematiche sociali, ha contribuito insieme ad altre aziende del Legnanese a realizzare un pulmino per offrire a disabili ed anziani un servizio di trasporto gratuito.


"Due sorelle, un'azienda e il segreto contro la crisi"

Martella S.r.l.

  • F.C. / VAT No
    Share capital
    € 80.000,00 f.p.
    Milano 1692361



  • Registered Office
    Via Goffredo Mameli, 31
    20129 Milano
    Via Cesare Balbo, 7/9
    20025 Legnano (MI)
